Monday, March 26, 2007


Looks like good news regarding the future of the BAC. Have a look at the Guardian article:

Monday, March 19, 2007


Here are some images from Day 1 of my writing exercise in the Centre for Drawing. Please feel free to come and vist tomorrow (Tuesday 19th 10am -7pm).

Friday, March 16, 2007

Galapagos update

I have been immersing myself in researching and writing for the Galapagos man and making good progress. Current research is centred on graphic novel science fiction (of the Dan Dare ‘vision of the future’ ilk) as well as the badly drawn illustrations and signage that accompany 1970s Mid-West American travelling freak shows. Kasia’s research into sensory design is also being folded into the ‘object directions’ that accompany the scripting of which is a very productive way of working. Writing is usually a solitary endeavour but I am currently enjoying the openness within a collaborative process, giving my text up to critical scrutiny and also being open to feed in alternative ideas during its creation. I am now itching too start to put some of the script on its feet but have learnt from past experience that I must complete at least a rough first draft of the script before this can be fully committed to. This is not to say I have not been sounding ideas and playing with various objects and arrangements but I am yet to have a full rehearsal.

Sounding Character

Next week in collaboration with Lizzy (acting as dramaturg) I will conduct a sustained period of writing and sounding the script in The Centre for Drawing. This exercise will be open to the public so I would welcome anyone to come and observe and feedback. I will post a specific VLP time for this (will probably be Tuesday evening).